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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Network Consultant

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Deutsche Telekom TSI Hungary Kft.

Budapest, Debrecen, Pécs, Szeged, Távmunka

1.3M – 2M HUF alkalmazotti havi bruttó


  • Azure IoT Edge
  • AWS Greengrass
  • Google Cloud IoT
  • 5G
  • IoT
  • AI
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • Network performance monitoring solutions
  • Network security protocols and practices
  • Analytical mindset
  • Angol
  • Német

A mi követelményeink

  • Strong experience with edge computing platforms (Azure IoT Edge, AWS Greengrass, Google Cloud IoT) and related technologies (5G, IoT, AI at the edge).
  • Familiarity with networking automation tools (Ansible, Terraform) and nNetwork performance monitoring solutions.
  • Strong knowledge of network security protocols and practices for edge and distributed environments.
  • Analytical mindset, with the ability to interpret data and make informed decisions that balance sustainability and technical performance.
  • Passion for sustainability and a desire to apply knowledge to reduce environmental impact of cloud computing.
  • Speak English at least on B2 level and/or German language on B2+ level

Pozíció / projekt rövid leírása

Company Description

The largest ICT employer in Hungary, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions (formerly IT-Services Hungary, ITSH) is a subsidiary of the Deutsche Telekom Group. Established in 2006, the company provides a wide portfolio of IT and telecommunications services with more than 5000 employees. ITSH was awarded with the Best in Educational Cooperation prize by HIPA in 2019, acknowledged as one of the most attractive workplaces by PwC Hungary’s independent survey in 2021 and rewarded with the title of the Most Ethical Multinational Company in 2019. The company continuously develops its four sites in Budapest, Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged and is looking for skilled IT professionals to join its team.

Job Description

The Network Consultant will work closely with our technical teams and clients to deliver a concept and Orchestration for edge computing solutions. This role requires deep expertise in networking, edge computing technologies, and cloud integration, along with the ability to provide strategic guidance to stakeholders.

What We Offer:

We take pride in our young and dynamic team, where camaraderie and mutual support are paramount. At our core, we prioritize people over processes, ensuring that no one is left to face challenges alone. Our company culture values solutions and outcomes over rigid hierarchies. Self-organized working isn’t just an option here—it’s a fundamental requirement. We trust that you know the best path to your objectives and give you the freedom to shape your projects according to your vision.olvass tovább

Napi feladatok

  1. Assess client requirements and current network infrastructure, providing expert recommendations for edge network architecture and solutions.
  2. Research edge computing needs and components in the context of the project and evaluate new hardware and network technologies that allow and industrialization of the target solution
  3. Conduct feasibility studies, capacity planning, and performance optimization assessments for edge networks in context of latency and Energy consumption.
  4. Integrate cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, IoT devices, AI/ML at the edge, and edge computing platforms (e.g., Azure IoT Edge, AWS Greengrass, Google Cloud IoT).
  5. Create network configurations and edge-to-cloud data flows, ensuring efficient data processing and communication across distributed devices and edge nodes for a new energy efficient networking solution and orchestration.
  6. Implement the concept as a POC in an test environment.


  • Online állásinterjú
  • Toborzás nyelvei: magyar&angol
  • Azonnali kezdés
  • Határozatlan idejű szerződés
  • Távmunka heti 4 nap

Biztosított eszközök

  • Számítógép: Notebook
  • Monitorok: kettő


  • Agile managementAgile
  • Knowledge repositoryConfluence
  • Issue tracking toolJira
  • Cloud infrastructure

Irodán belüli juttatások

  • Ingyenes kávé
  • Menza
  • Kerékpártároló
  • Szórakozási zóna
  • Zuhanyzó
  • Mobiltelefon
  • Ingyenes parkolás
  • Belső képzések
  • Belső hack napok
  • Modern iroda
  • Nincs dress code


  • Sportcsomag
  • Magánegészségügyi ellátás
  • Nemzetközi projektek
  • Képzési költségvetés


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