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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Electrical Engineer (Villamosmérnök)

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.


1158 Budapest, Késmárk utca 13.

Br. 1,4M – 1,8M Ft havi bér + Br. 1,8M Ft éves prémium


Are YOU the new Electrical Engineer of AQVILA CONSULT HUNGARY?

We are looking for an enthusiastic and experienced Electrical Engineer to strengthen our team.
We offer a highly supportive environment in which you can develop and grow in your role.

Key attributes and responsibilities

  • Able to work independently.
  • Creation of technical bridge between clients’ requirements and realization of medium and low voltage supply systems, cable containment, building technology, network and communications, and security systems.
  • Preparation of Conceptual and Basic Design work.
  • Design management of Detailed Design work to ensure compliance with Basic Design requirements.
  • Carry out professional supervision on site on occasion.
  • Active contribution to solve issues when escalated from design or construction.
  • Demonstrate good attention to detail as well as high-level overview.
  • Complete assigned tasks in due time.


Your starting point

From the moment you join us, we will support your personal and professional development so that you grow with the company. For this role, we believe your starting point is:

  • Being a qualified Engineer having min. 7 years of experience in a building services role or construction project management.
  • General knowledge of and interest for electrical systems (i.e. electrical standards, IEC, MV, LV, transformers, switchboards, distribution, power monitoring, WLAN, WiFi, lighting, earthing, lightning protection, etc.).
  • Having a BSc or MSc degree in electrical engineering.
  • Good communicator and fluent in English.
  • Possess the ability prioritize between essentials and non-important.
  • Knowledge of using AutoCAD and MS office.
  • Willingness to travel abroad.


General knowledge and experience in the field of building automation (BMS/FMS) are advantage to the role.

What we offer

  • Full-time employment.
  • Gross monthly starting salary range 1,350,000 HUF – 1,800,000 HUF.
  • One time performance-based bonus per year.
  • Net. 450,000 HUF cafeteria per year.
  • Home office (once a week).
  • Allowance based on spent days on foreign project sites.
  • Supportive and comfortable working environment.
  • Nordic mindset.
  • Worldwide international projects.
  • Yearly Employee Developement Conversation (performance evaluation, motivation factors, feedbacks, wellbeing, personal competences, developement goals, next year salary).

Workplace extras

  •  Shower
  •  Bicycle storage
  •  Parking
  •  Dog friendly
  •  Free coffee, soft drinks

Company info


AQVILA CONSULT HUNGARY – established in 2022 – is a subsidiary of the Danish Aqvila A/S, an independent and agile engineering company, powered by dedicated professionals focused on providing value-for-money solutions for our clients.

Our mind-set is founded in the cross field between consultants and contractors meaning that we just think and act different, which gives us competitive edge. Find more at www.aqvila.hu.

Our team in Budapest has a strong focus on technical delivery and an excellent understanding of client care. You will be an important part of a close-knit team working on a variety of projects internationally.

How to apply

Apply by attaching your CV and relevant documents in English showcasing why you are the right fit for the role. We look forward to receiving your application.


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