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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Senior Software Engineer

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Instructure Hungary Ltd.


1.5M – 2M HUF alkalmazotti havi bruttó


  • Backend
  • Scaled application development
  • Cloud
  • AWS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Angol (C1)

Előnyt jelentő készségek

  • AI
  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Ansible
  • Terraform
  • GraphQL

A mi követelményeink

  • Demonstrated ability to excel in developing and optimizing highly scaled systems, conducting research-driven tasks, and leading AI feature development projects.
  • 5+ years of professional software development experience, coupled with a passion for learning and applying new technologies.
  • Proficient in backend development, working with databases and REST APIs.
  • Proven success working within Agile teams, adapting to evolving requirements, and delivering high-quality solutions.
  • Strong analytical and creative problem-solving skills, capable of overcoming complex challenges effectively.
  • Exceptional communication skills, enabling effective collaboration with teammates and cross-functional stakeholders.
  • A proactive mindset with a strong sense of ownership and dedication to meeting user needs through high-quality deliverables.
  • A collaborative team player who actively contributes to knowledge sharing and participates in community events.
  • Knowledge of backend-heavy systems and experience with scaled application development handling high-user loads is essential.

The more of the following skills and experiences you bring, the greater an advantage it will be (-however, if you are an exceptional candidate with strong expertise, we are open to considering your application even if not all of these boxes are checked-):

  • Hands-on experience with AWS, Git, Jenkins, or equivalent tools.
  • Familiarity with containerization tools like Docker and Kubernetes, and IaC tools such as Ansible, Terraform, Salt, or Puppet.
  • Experience with JavaScript and React.
  • Exposure to GraphQL and backend-heavy architectures is highly valued.
  • Ruby experience is a plus, but adaptability to learning new languages and tools is essential.

Pozíció / projekt rövid leírása

At Instructure, we believe in the power of people to grow and succeed throughout their lives. Our goal is to amplify that power by creating intuitive products that simplify learning and personal development, facilitate meaningful relationships, and inspire people to go further in their education and careers. We do this by giving smart, creative, passionate people opportunities to create awesome products. And that’s where you come in.

Who we are:

  • Canvas Collaborations: we develop a solution, that enables multiple users to edit a document simultaneously, with real-time updates visible to everyone.
  • Pioneers: we are the first Instructure development center placed outside of the United States.
  • On a mission: Our field is education. We strive to elevate student success, amplify the power of teaching, and inspire everyone to learn together.
  • Product enthusiasts: We develop products, such as Canvas, with millions of users worldwide.
  • Engineers: We love to understand what is happening under the hood. We are generalists, rather than obsessed with one language or framework.  Currently, we use Node.js, React, and Ruby on Rails, but will adapt as needed.
  • Cloud-native: we are one of the biggest AWS customers, everything is Dockerized, running in the cloud
  • Productive: our teams have flexibility in how they work, Some use Scrum, others Extreme Programming, whichever fits best.

Napi feladatok

  1. Contribute to the development of Canvas, the web-based learning management system.
  2. Continuously learn and apply your technical expertise to efficiently solving bugs, features and any other tasks assigned to you.
  3. Identify and apply reusable technical approaches to enhance code quality and efficiency.
  4. Contribute effectively to software components, with time, becoming a Subject Matter Expert on the product domain you cover.
  5. Engage in problem-solving, showing initiative and resourcefulness in overcoming challenges.
  6. Participate in clarifying ambiguities and contributing to project planning within an agile framework.
  7. Demonstrate ownership and accountability for your work, ensuring reliability and effective communication of progress.
  8. Collaborate with cross-functional teams, sharing knowledge and fostering a positive community.
  9. Write and ship high-quality, well-tested code.
  10. Engage with DevOps practices and cloud environments, specifically AWS, to build and deploy solutions.


  • Online állásinterjú
  • Toborzás nyelvei: magyar&angol
  • Azonnali kezdés
  • Határozatlan idejű szerződés
  • Rugalmas távmunka
  • Rugalmas munkaidő


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