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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.


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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Logicdata Electronic & Software Entwicklungs Gmbh

Deutschlandsberg, Austria

Br.35e – 50e Euro éves bér


  • Preparation and analysis of monthly, quarterly and annual financial statements in accordance with IFRS
  • Carrying out bookkeeping and accounting activities
  • Preparation of monthly VAT returns including reports to the tax office
  • Contact person for external auditors
  • Contact person for commercial issues for internal and external stakeholders
  • Co-design and responsibility for various accounting projects


  • Successfully completed accounting exam or comparable commercial training
  • Several years of professional experience in accounting or balance sheet accounting
  • Comprehensive bookkeeping and accounting knowledge (VAT, IFRS, PRC standard an advantage)
  • Good IT skills (MS Excel, SAP)
  • Good knowledge English, German is an advantage
  • Team player
  • Hands-on mentality
  • Analytical, precise way of working
  • Ability to work independently and in a structured manner

What we offer

  • Long term opportunity in a growing company
  • Multinational working environment, but also a family-oriented
  • Competitive salary package based on your qualifications and experience
  • Company canteen, coffee lounge
  • Flexible working schedule
  • Home office opportunity (2 days/week after the trial period)
  • Development and training opportunities
  • Everyday English usage, German usage with your Austrian colleagues is desired
  • Company mobile phone, notebook
  • Company events, programs

Workplace extras

  •  Canteen
  •  Cafe
  •  Parking

Company info

Driven by innovation? Then LOGICDATA is your place to be. With over two decades’ experience developing (r)evolutionary mechatronic solutions for adjustable furniture, our growing company is an industry-leading powerhouse: setting the global standard for innovation, performance, and style. Our collection includes countless first-class mechatronic components: intelligent control units, durable actuators, and intuitive UI elements. At home and in the office, LOGICDATA defines the perfect adjustable experience.


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