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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Administrative Management Assistant

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Amerikai Egyesült Államok Nagykövetsége
1054 Budapest

Br. 8,1M – 10,1M Ft éves bér


As a key member of the BHA team, the Administrative Management Assistant will be responsible for providing a full range of administrative, office management and general service activities in support of the Regional Office.

Office Administrative Management

  • Oversee and coordinate administrative office management and support activities for the Regional Office and perform a wide variety of office management and administrative duties to ensure the smooth, effective and efficient operation of the office.
  • Implementation and management of an up-to-date official and subject filing system in compliance with Agency and BHA-specific requirements.
  • Coordinate all travel and leave schedules and arrangement of staff travel and Travel Authorizations.
  • Oversee and provide logistical support for BHA temporary duty (TDY) staff and other Agency visitors.
  • Manage the requisition of office supplies and routine maintenance of office equipment.
  • Preparation of relevant data for Purchase Order (POs) for procurement of local services, equipment, and office supplies, following up with the appropriate functional office in the processing of POs, and liaising with service providers as required.
  • Management and oversight responsibility for maintaining and tracking BHA Regional Office Operating Budget and Administrative Funds and preparing all BHA Regional Office financial transactions (car rental, local procurement, official cell phone bills, etc.). Ensure proper approvals have been obtained and thoroughly documented.

Conferences and Meetings

  • The incumbent will have full oversight management responsibility for organizing all seminars and meetings sponsored by the BHA/Budapest Regional Office. This will include, but not be limited to: drafting and/or review of official invitation letters; completing participant travel arrangements and organizing and preparing briefing materials and/or packages. In addition, incumbent will identify appropriate meeting/conference facilities and be the principal liaison with the hotel staff at conference sites. The incumbent may also travel to the site, when/as appropriate, to review/inspect facilities and finalize requirements for the conference package contracts.

BHA Response Deployments

  • Ensure availability to work extra hours and travel on an urgent basis during BHA disaster responses in the Region.
  • Work in situations of urgency and stress during disaster events providing high levels of administrative support.
  • Serve as an Administrative Officer on a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART), for short-term and long-term deployments which could exceed two months.
  • During a DART, manage the DART’s fiscal and administrative activities; hire and manage local personnel; and procure supplies, services, and facilities for the DART.
  • Manage a BHA motor pool operation and supervise the driver(s) assigned during time of emergencies whenever a DART is activated.
  • Serve as an Administrative Officer on a Response Management Team (RMT) in the BHA Operations Center in Washington, D.C., for short-term and long-term deployments which could exceed two months.
  • While serving on a RMT, provide technical guidance to RMT and DART members regarding staffing, travel, contracting and fiscal requirements and procedures.
  • Transmit fund-cite cables as needed to the relevant embassy for use by the DART in funding administrative expenses.
  • Coordinate security clearance, country clearance, visas, travel authorization, transportation, lodging and communications equipment for DART staff.

Deadline for applications: 04/04/2024, 17:00 CET.


  • The incumbent is required to have a minimum of four (4) years of specific and progressively more responsible experience in the field of secretarial, administrative or office management with at least two (2) or more years of this experience with a U.S. Government Agency, private company, and/or other international organization(s). Prior work experience and knowledge of secretarial office management administrative practices and procedures is required.
  • At least two years of full-time post-secondary study at college or university with the focus on Public Administration, Administrative Management, Business Administration, Financial Management, or related field is required.
  • Fluent English and Hungarian proficiency is required. Mastery of English grammar, spelling, punctuation, paragraphs, and sentence structure (syntax) is required.    

Job Knowledge:
The Demonstrated proficiency in typing various correspondence formats such as memoranda, letters, reports, justifications as well as standardized documents and forms is required. A thorough understanding of organizational structure specific to administrative management procedures, which govern secretarial and administrative support functions to a busy “Front Office” environment, is required. The incumbent will be considered the resident technical “hands-on” expert in all facets of office management and administration for the BHA/MENAE Regional Office staff and its many official TDY visitors.

Skills and Abilities: 
The ability to work effectively in a team environment is required. The incumbent must be able to work calmly, tactfully, and effectively under pressure and to demonstrate extreme flexibility to manage more than one activity at a time in the performance of daily administrative office management duties and responsibilities. In addition, solid leadership, strong organizational, communications, and inter-personal skills are required for the maintenance of productive working relationships within the BHA/MENAE Regional Office and the interaction with appropriate individual(s), offices and departments within USAID/Bosnia and Herzegovina and USAID/Washington (as appropriate) on a myriad of subjects and/or issues pertaining to office administration and management. 
The incumbent of this position is required to have a high degree of computer literacy (as all documents are prepared using automated data processing equipment) and exceptional organizational skills.

USAID IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: All qualified candidates will be considered regardless of age, race, color, sex, creed, national origin, lawful political affiliation, non-disqualifying handicap, marital status, sexual orientation, affiliation with an employee organization, or other non-merit factor. Management may consider the following when determining successful candidacy: nepotism, conflicts of interest, budget, and residency status.

Eligible Offerors are required to apply for the subject position using the Electronic Recruitment Application (ERA) and must submit/attach the following documentation via the system:  

  • Curriculum Vitae (limited to two pages) with a cover letter in English.
  • Proof of at least 2 years of full time post-secondary study at college or university with the focus on Public Administration, Administrative Management, or related field 
  • List of three professional references with an email address and current telephone numbers (do not send reference letters).
  • Residence/work permit (Copy of ID/passport).

Workplace extras

  •  Sports facilities

Company info

The Mission provides meal and transportation allowance in accordance with the Budapest Local Compensation Plan.  The meal allowance is subject to Social Security Contribution and tax deductions. Transportation allowance is authorized according to Hungarian Government Decree No 39/2010 (II. 26.) Article 2(a). Employees traveling to work from outside the administrative borders of Budapest – by public transportation – should be reimbursed transportation allowance as follows: – If the employee travels by train from any distance, 86% of the ticket or monthly pass shall be reimbursed. – If the employee travels by suburban train (HÉV) or bus, 86% of the ticket or monthly pass shall be reimbursed. – Employees shall be reimbursed for the costs (the rate of the reimbursed amount is governed by local law) of traveling to work by their own car only if: a) there is no public transportation between the employee’s place of work and place of residence, or b) the employee cannot use public transportation due to the work schedule, or c) the employee is not able to use public transportation due to a physical handicap or physical limitation. 4. Effective date: 1997 5. Eligibility: All employees are eligible as long as they meet the above criteria. 6. Annual amount: Varies from employee-to-employee 7. Frequency: The allowance is paid monthly. 8. Employees on long-term absence not paid by the U.S. Government (SLC, SLD, LWOP) are not entitled to receive transportation allowances.  


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