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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Copernicus Data Processing Operations Engineer (Located in Germany)

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.



Nettó 7 500 Euro havi bér


  • Support the Sentinel-7 CO2M Payload Data Processing (PDP) development activities, including the assessment of deliveries, and contribution to verification, and operational validation activities;
  • Prepare for the operations of the Copernicus Sentinel-7 CO2M mission, including updating and maintaining the operational documentation (operations guides, operations interface control documents, operations procedures) for the data processing systems;
  • Contribute to the definition of the data and product processing concepts as well as operations preparations for other Copernicus missions exploited by EUMETSAT (i.e. CRISTAL; Copernicus Polar Ice and Snow Topography Altimeter, CIMR: Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer; see EUMETSAT web-page for more information eumetsat.int);
  • Coordinate the routine operations for the data processing and product extraction systems delivering Level 0 to Level 2 products for Copernicus missions exploited by EUMETSAT;
  • Contribute to the performance monitoring and analysis of Copernicus data processing services covering Copernicus missions, including anomaly reporting and investigation;
  • Support the definition and implementation of procedures and tools for the quality monitoring of products, including providing periodic inputs to Key Performance Indicators;
  • Contribute to the further development of EUMETSAT Copernicus payload data processing systems including the definition of operational requirements and validation of upgrades, including product reprocessing campaigns.



  • A university degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science, Software or Systems Engineering or another relevant discipline.

Skills and Experience

  • Proven experience in the operations of complex data processing and/or product processing systems, and experience of development, verification and validation of such systems;
  • Significant experience in the real or near real-time acquisition and/or processing of data from space-borne imaging and/or sounding instruments, preferably in a complex operational environment;
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure, and with a minimum of supervision;
  • Strong communication, interpersonal and team working skills;
  • Ability to write concise and focused technical reports;
  • Very good analytical and problem solving skills;
  • Familiarity with UNIX / LINUX.
  • Experience in the following areas would be an advantage:
  • Scripting languages (i.e. Python, bash, PERL).
  • C / C++, Oracle;
  • Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) formats;
  • Specification, development, and validation of algorithms for meteorological or other remote sensing missions;

What we offer

  • Excellent salary, of up to Euro 7,500 NET (after tax) based on skills and experience;
  • Flexible working time including additional flexi-leave;
  • Full medical coverage for employee and family;
  • Attractive pension;
  • 30 days of annual leave + 14.5 days public holidays;
  • Training and development support;
  • Relocation allowance and support (if applicable).

Company info

EUMETSAT is Europe’s meteorological satellite agency. Its role is to establish and operate meteorological satellites to monitor the weather and climate from space – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This information is supplied to the National Meteorological Services of the organisation’s Member States in Europe, as well as other users worldwide.

EUMETSAT will also operate, on behalf of the European Union, Copernicus satellites and instruments (Sentinel-3, Sentinel-4, Sentinel-5, Sentinel-6 and Sentinel-7) to provide data and support services to Copernicus users on marine information, atmospheric composition and climate change.

Reporting to the Copernicus Data Processing Team Leader, the Copernicus Data Processing Operations Engineer conducts and supports operations of the data processing and product extraction systems for Copernicus missions exploited by EUMETSAT, and supports the evolutions of those systems. The Copernicus Data Processing Operations Engineer will also support the coordination of the operations build up for the Copernicus Sentinel-7/CO2M mission, the Copernicus Anthropogenic Carbon Dioxide Monitoring mission.

How to apply

Apply via „Jelentkezem” button underneath!


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