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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Customer Success Implementation Engineer

Facebook csoport

Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.



Bruttó fizetési sáv 1 100 000 – 1 800 000 HUF

Az állásról

We are seeking a highly skilled Customer Success Implementation Engineer to join our dynamic team. This role is pivotal in ensuring our customers achieve successful implementations of Strivacity’s CIAM solutions while delivering exceptional customer experiences. You will act as a trusted technical advisor, working closely with customers to deploy, integrate, and optimize our platform.



Kerékpártároló |Parkolási támogatás |Tömegközlekedési támogatás


Gyümölcs |Kávé |Rágcsa


Konferencia támogatás |Házon belüli képzés |Képzési hozzájárulás


SZÉP kártya |Masszázs |Csapatépítő programok


Heti munkaidő 40 óra / hét

Törzsidő 9 – 15


Lead the technical implementation of Strivacity’s CIAM solutions for customers, ensuring seamless integration with their existing systems.

Collaborate with customers to define implementation goals, timelines, and success criteria.

Provide hands-on assistance in configuring and deploying Strivacity solutions, including API integrations, SSO, and user management workflows.

Serve as the primary technical point of contact during the implementation phase.

Identify, troubleshoot, and resolve technical issues promptly and effectively.

Conduct training sessions and workshops to educate customers on best practices for using Strivacity’s platform.

Provide technical documentation, guides, and recommendations tailored to customer environments.

Act as a customer advocate within Strivacity, relaying feedback to product and engineering teams.

Technológiák, eszközök

REST API |GitHub |Zendesk |CSS, HTML |Atlassian Jira/Confluence

Szakmai ismeretek

  • Knowledge of protocols such as OIDC, Auth2, and SAML2 3 / 5
  • Experience with cloud computing & infrastructure such as Kubernetes / Helm 2 / 5
  • HTML5, CSS3 3 / 5
  • Web security, typical web vulnerabilities 3 / 5
  • HTTP protocol and network traffic analysis in browser 3 / 5
  • Using a REST APIs from code 3 / 5
  • Programming experience with Javascript/Typescript and Node.JS a plus 1 / 5


Nem kell papír


Angol Tárgyalóképes szint

Emberi tulajdonságok

Bias toward action |The highest attention to detail |High level of professionalism and demonstrate a track record of delivering excellent customer service

Jelentkezés preferált módja

Jelentkezés nyelve:


Így dolgozunk mi

We obsess over client satisfaction and we believe that the best ideas should always win, even if they’re harder, longer and take a bit more time. We expect you to be respectful, analytical, critical of everything we do, and seek out constructive feedback. We operate with high attention to detail and security — no matter how small the details may be!

Mit fogsz tanulni

You will have chance to learn about Customer Identity & Access Management, our product (high-level) architecture and improve your soft-skills. Later on our training policy allows you to learn anything related to our product, company or just software development.

We’re going to provide a mentor for you to help you in the first weeks/months.

Az ideális jelentkező

Has attention to detail and ability to create, run, and improve processes.

Has strong communication skills along with examples of how you’ve collaborated and built effective relationships with stakeholders at different levels and from a diverse set of backgrounds.

Bias toward action.

Is a creative thinker with the ability to bring fresh ideas to your work.

Ne jelentkezz, ha…

you don’t believe in team workyou like boring workplacesyou don’t want to improve yourselfa position that sometimes requires your presence in our Veszprém office is not an option for you


Szeretnél bejutni az állásinterjúra?

Legyen olyan önéletrajzod, mellyel kitűnhetsz a többi jelentkező közül!

Ez is érdekelhet:

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