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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Finance and Procurement Officer

Facebook csoport

Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Plaza Premium Lounge Hungary Kft.

1185 Budapest

Br. 700e – 800e Ft havi bér


  • Follow global A/P procedures on local invoices
  • Assist in preparation of month end closing
  • Participate in annual budget
  • Operational procurement of non F&B items
  • Participate in finance and procurement projects
  • Supervise storekeeping process
  • Monitoring and reporting on inventory and inventory taking


  • Financial degree
  • Min. 1-2 years of relevant experience
  • At least intermediate English (written and oral)
  • Fluent Hungarian
  • Be willing to work in a dynamic international environment
  • Detail oriented and willing to work under pressure
  • Flexibility in a changing environment

What we offer

  • Competitive monthly salary
  • Travel allowance
  • Contribution to SZÉP card
  • Dynamic work environment
  • Experience in an international company
  • Stable, expanding company
  • Immediate start date

Workplace extras

  •  Cafe
  •  Parking
  •  Free coffee, soft drinks
  •  Free breakfast

Company info

Welcome to Plaza Premium Group, where we are passionate about „Making Travel Better”. We are an international company with team members from all walks of life, together we make up the #PPGFamily, together we build a legacy. It’s not about knowing the industry, it’s about being passionate about what you do. 
It’s not important to know this industry, but be passionate about it.
In 1998, our founder felt that the airport experience should not be the privilege of a select few. Over the years we have worked hard to develop an accessible, quality service. Almost 25 years later, we cover four business lines: airport lounges, airport hotels, airport Meet & Greet and a wide range of airport catering.
Join us. Together we make travel better.


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