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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Fullstack TypeScript Engineer

Facebook csoport

Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.



Br. 1.2M – 1.9M HUF vállalkozói havonta+ÁFA 


  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Angol

A mi követelményeink

Eredeti szöveg. Fordítás megjelenítése

  • Experience and proven understanding of the tech stack listed below
  • Experience writing code that balances performance and maintainability
  • Experience building systems for scale and resiliency
  • Experience with Cloud technologies
  • Ability to understand complex business requirements, taking ownership in end-to-end delivery
  • Ability to write clear, maintainable, portable code that adheres to a well-documented coding standard
  • Ability to write and speak in Hungarian and in English fluently

While we have outlined some desired technologies above, we know that each candidate brings a unique set of expertise to the table, so we are open to equivalent experiences.

Pozíció / projekt rövid leírása

Eredeti szöveg. Fordítás megjelenítése

At PEAK, we believe in creating a supportive work environment. You have the freedom to choose between working from the office, a hybrid model, or fully remote. We provide flexible work hours and offer in-house educational programs to ensure your continued professional growth.

Further, we support conference attendance and training courses to make sure you’re always at the top of your game. Every month with us begins with ‘PEAK breakfasts’ at the office. These breakfasts include helpful talks that help us learn and work together better.

We offer you state-of-the-art tools, software, and technologies, along with the latest Macbook models and accessories, to assist your work.

Lastly, we celebrate well-being at our workplace: Every Wednesday is a ‘Fruit Day’ and there are opportunities to be part of our hiking, football, basketball, mountain biking, or running teams.

Come and join our team at PEAK, and be a part of the financial revolution!

Napi feladatok

Eredeti szöveg. Fordítás megjelenítése

  1. Design, write, test, and deploy scalable code
  2. Accurately estimate schedules and deliver high quality work products to that schedule
  3. Iterate in an agile fashion and being in control of your fate: contributing to the continuous improvement of the team
  4. Work within a cross-functional team (including developers, product manager and business analyst) and translate your technical skills to ensure the team understands our vision.
  5. The technologies you will be working with are: Typescript, Nestjs, Prisma, Drizzle, Trpc, React, NextJS, Tailwind, NX Monorepo and a lots of other, cutting edge technologies


  • Toborzás nyelvei: magyar
  • Azonnali kezdés
  • Határozatlan idejű szerződés
  • Távmunka
  • Rugalmas munkaidő

Irodán belüli juttatások

  • Belső képzések
  • Startup hangulat


Szeretnél bejutni az állásinterjúra?

Legyen olyan önéletrajzod, mellyel kitűnhetsz a többi jelentkező közül!

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