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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Java Software Team Lead/Manager – R&D – Tender (PRM)

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Tech People Hungary Kft.

Budapest, XI. district

Bruttó 2,5M – 3,0M Ft havi bér

Tech People is a European provider of technical skills permanent recruitment and temporary contracting services for multiple industries.

Currently we are looking for a


Location: Budapest, XI. district, hybrid (3 days office, 2 days home office)

Salary: gross 2 500 000 – 3 000 000 HUF/month (depending on experience)

Type of employment: employee


  • Lead highly talented backend engineers through the development of infrastructure and features for thousands of websites across the open web
  • Be responsible for large scale systems that generate billions of dollars, over 500,000 requests / second and 100TB of new data every day
  • Collaborate with other experienced leaders in the group and product managers
  • Use full CI/CD, A/B testing and work with true Big Data – seeing the results of your development almost immediately!
  • Put a special focus on people personal growth, team productivity and velocity
  • Fulfilling hands-on development tasks as well

Tech Stack:

  • JavaSpring, Springboot, Spark, Kafka, Hadoop, Cassandra, Vertica, MySQL, HDFS, BigQuery, Docker, Linux.


  • 3+ years of experience in managing a full stack or back end development team and leading projects hands-on (leading 3-6 people)
  • 4+ years programming experience in backend Java
  • Some frontend JavaScript experience and/or fullstack knowledge.
  • Business oriented and data driven mindset
  • Deep understanding of strong Computer Science fundamentals: object-oriented design, data structures systems, applications programming and multithreading programming
  • Some experience and knowledge of Big Data tools, SQL and data analysis
  • Experience in designing and developing large scale systems
  • Proven ability to lead and passion to mentor 
  • BSc in computer science or minimum 10 years of development experience
  • Familiarity with development methodologies
  • Fluent English skills


  • Knowledge of the following technologies:
    • Front-end tech stack: Vanilla JS, React.js and Redux
    • Full tech stack: Java, Spark, Kafka, Hadoop, Cassandra, Vertica, MySQL, HDFS, BigQuery, Docker, Linux.


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