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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Junior IT Business Analyst

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

NIX Tech Kft.

Budapest, Fövény utca 4-6.

600k – 800k HUF alkalmazotti havi bruttó


  • Business analysis
  • BA
  • Requirements engineering
  • Requirements lifecycle
  • Angol (B2)

Előnyt jelentő készségek

  • Technical background

A mi követelményeink

  • Proficiency in English: Upper-Intermediate or above.
  • A minimum of 0.5 years of experience in IT Business Analysis, ideally as a Business Analyst, Quality Assurance Engineer, Support Specialist, or related roles.
  • Knowledge of business analysis techniques and theory of software requirements development.
  • Knowledge of Agile software development practices.


  • Technical/software development background and mindset.
  • Facilitation and presentation skills.
  • Knowledge of basic computer science.
  • Knowledge of technologies and methods of product quality assurance.
  • Knowledge of basic functions of JIRA, Confluence, Draw.io.

Pozíció / projekt rövid leírása

NIX, a global supplier of software engineering and IT outsourcing services, is looking for a Junior IT Business Analyst in its office in Budapest (Vaci Greens, 13th district). You’ll be part of a team of professionals who are ready to find the best tailor-made IT solutions for their multinational clients in various industries and solve complex problems.


  • Competitive compensation packages.
  • Stable employment, based on a full-time employment contract.
  • Private health insurance (Medicover Сlinic).
  • AYCM sport pass, providing discounts at various sports facilities in Hungary.
  • Interesting tasks and diverse opportunities for developing your skills.
  • Free training courses.
  • Participation in internal and external thematic events, technical conferences.
  • A spacious office in the heart of Budapest (13th district).
  • All necessary devices and tools for your work.
  • Active corporate life.

If you feel you’re ready to join the team, apply for this job now! We’re already looking forward to meeting you!kevesebbet

Napi feladatok

  1. Immerse in the project’s subject matter, driving business process analysis of conceptual ideas.
  2. Communicate and ensure stakeholder engagement, identifying their needs.
  3. Design solutions, creating functional and non-functional requirements.
  4. Triage defects and identifying anticipated outcomes.
  5. Facilitate meetings and coordinate development teams regarding the requirements.
  6. Effectively communicate with distributed team members and stakeholders.
  7. Extract and structure requirements from different sources.
  8. Carefully analyze the requirements and data to outline white spots and potential challenges before development initiation.
  9. Prepare requirement documents, complemented with illustrative diagrams and mock-ups, adhering to project management principles.
  10. Execute acceptance testing, presenting results to customers and stakeholders.
  11. Facilitate teamwork using Agile principles and oversee engineering team meetings.


  • Toborzás nyelvei: angol
  • Azonnali kezdés
  • Határozatlan idejű szerződés
  • Távmunka nem lehetséges

Biztosított eszközök

  • Windows
  • Számítógép: Workstation
  • Monitorok: Ha szükséges

Irodán belüli juttatások

  • Kerékpártároló
  • Ingyenes kávé
  • Szórakozási zóna
  • Zuhanyzó
  • Ingyenes snack
  • Modern iroda
  • Nincs dress code


  • Nemzetközi projektek
  • Paid English courses
  • Mentoring program


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