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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Public Engagement Assistant (Professional Exchanges)

Facebook csoport

Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Amerikai Egyesült Államok Nagykövetsége

1054 Budapest

Br. 8,1M Ft havi bér


Project Development and Implementation

  • Plans, implements and coordinates activities to reach Established Opinion Leaders (EOL) audiences.
  • Manages all Hungarian aspects of inbound and outbound exchange programs for target audiences; coordinates programs and develops Mission-designed exchange activities.
  • Collaborates with the Strategic Content Coordination team to produce and disseminate multi-media content to engage participants in professional exchanges and to promote public awareness of Mission EOL exchange programs.

Strategic Planning, Analysis and Evaluation

  • Designs and recommends exchange programs to engage EOL individuals and institutions, in coordination with PD and Mission colleagues.
  • Analysis of target audiences.
  • Actively plans exchange and alumni programs in Hungary.

Inter- and Intra-agency Coordination

  • Develops good working contacts with Mission offices and agencies whose goals and objectives prioritize EOL audience outreach; works closely with Mission officers to ensure a strong slate of nominees for professional exchange programs and to coordinate nominating and selection processes.
  • Coordinates exchange programs across the Mission to support and amplify impact of overall EOL engagement, including those conducted by other sections/agencies.
  • Develops and organizes opportunities for Mission officers to sustain engagement with exchange participants and alumni network(s) on priority issues.

Administrative Functions

  • Prepares and monitors the annual and individual project budgets for EOL exchange and alumni initiatives.
  • Monitors and tracks funds allocated to unique structures (e.g., a Fulbright Commission); ensuring appropriate accountability measures are in place, USG branding requirements are observed; recommends audits to prevent misuse of resources.
  • Works with EOL Specialist and CAO (or PAO designee) on PAO-led fundraising for countrywide EOL exchange and alumni programs.


University degree in international relations, American Studies, communications, political science, economics or local equivalent is required.

This position requires a minimum of three years of progressively responsible experience in a multilingual, multicultural or multinational, academic or governmental work environment, with project management, communications, or education duties as a significant part of the job.

English – Fluent in Speaking/Reading/Writing is required.
Hungarian – Fluent in Speaking/Reading/Writing is required.

What we offer

The U.S. Mission offers a competitive compensation and benefits package for local employees.

  • Pro-rated 13th month salary
  • Performance related Awards
  • Performance related Increases
  • Local and US paid holidays
  • Free access to the on-site Gym
  • Transportation and Meal Contribution
  • Annual and sick Leave
  • Training opportunities
  • English language classes
  • Core Telework (1 day)

Workplace extras

  •  Sports facilities


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