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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Senior JAVA Developer

Facebook csoport

Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.



1.3M – 1.8M HUF alkalmazotti havi bruttó


  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Spring6
  • ELK Stack
  • Java17
  • Kafka
  • Redis
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Analytical thinking
  • Magyar (Anyanyelvi)
  • Angol (B2)

Előnyt jelentő készségek

  • Scrum
  • Kanban
  • Product development

A mi követelményeink

  • At least 3-4 years of relevant work experience in Java development
  • System-level thinking
  • A degree in IT or an equivalent qualification
  • Intermediate English language skills


  • Good planning skills
  • Experience with agile methodologies (e.g., SCRUM, Kanban)
  • Experience in product development

Pozíció / projekt rövid leírása

What we offer: 

  • Professional internal training and workshops on a monthly basis
  • Advanced notebook setup and continuous DevOps support, ensuring smooth and efficient workflows
  • Support for training and conferences (annual time and budget allocation)
  • Personalized career planning
  • Internal soft skill trainings to develop not just in technology
  • Autumn hackathon competitions with valuable prizes
  • AYCM and sports opportunities (internal basketball and football teams)
  • Internal podcast (DevTales), in which you can also participate
  • English language training (online, weekly, at both intermediate and advanced levels)
  • Professional library and Kindle access
  • Easily accessible office with a bike storage facility
  • Monthly community events, but nothing is mandatory!

    Today we empower large organizations in their digital transformation with our full-fledged DXP ecosystem designed to create a structure for flexibility. By combining the right tools, skills, and people we push the boundaries of what’s possible, creating the “What You See”, and the “20% MAGIC” which makes all the difference. 
    Our story began in 1998, creating milestones like MKB Bank’s first website and OTP’s fully online bank card application service. By 2016, we helped OTP pioneer fully digital account openings.
    Today, major platforms like OTP, Magyar Telekom, and MNB run on our eCMS framework, with half of Hungary’s internet users interacting with our solutions. 

Napi feladatok

  1. Participation in domestic and international software development projects
  2. Participation in the planning and implementation of new functions
  3. Preparation and updating of technical documentation
  4. Software testing process support
  5. Close cooperation with the business area
  6. Support of business decision preparation processes
  7. Participation in the research of new technologies


  • Online állásinterjú
  • Toborzás nyelvei: magyar
  • Azonnali kezdés
  • Határozatlan idejű szerződés
  • Rugalmas távmunka
  • Nem jár utazással
  • Főleg új funkciók

Biztosított eszközök

  • Linux
  • Apple
  • Windows
  • Számítógép: Notebook
  • Monitorok: Ha szükséges

Irodán belüli juttatások

  • Modern office building
  • Advanced Notebook Setup
  • No dresscode at the office
  • Community events
  • Bike storage facility
  • Ingyenes kávé


  • English language training
  • Home office
  • Professional library and Kindle access
  • Internal trainings
  • AYCM and sports opportunities


Szeretnél bejutni az állásinterjúra?

Legyen olyan önéletrajzod, mellyel kitűnhetsz a többi jelentkező közül!

Ez is érdekelhet:

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Önéletrajz vs. Motivációs levél – Mit várnak el a HR-esek?

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