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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Technical Support (m/f/d) for E-Shelf-Label and Log-Robot

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

S&K Solutions GmbH

Sailerwöhr 16, Passau, Germany

Br.800e – 1,2M Ft havibér


E-shelf labels are digital labeling solutions that control prices and information centrally and in real time. They replace manual labels and optimize processes in retail and logistics.

  • Planning, installation, configuration, administration and maintenance of ESL infrastructures and autonomous mobile robots for our customers
  • Analyzing and resolving system, network and software problems of the ESL infrastructure on the customer system via remote access
  • Processing and documenting support requests from our customers in our ticket system
  • Coordination of error corrections with the 3rd level support of the ESL manufacturers


What you bring with you:

  • Technical know-how: Training as a system technician, IT specialist, degree (also without a degree) or equivalent professional experience
  • Initial experience in the installation & operation of IT environments
  • Knowledge of networking & IT support is an advantage
  • Structured & independent way of working, paired with the ability to work in a team and service orientation
  • Very good knowledge of German & English – another Eastern European language (PL/CZ/SK/HU) would be a plus
  • Basic knowledge of SQL servers is desirable

What we offer

S&K Solutions GmbH with its brands All About Cards, e-shelf-labels, log-robot and auto-id24/7 is a leading international company in the field of cards, labeling and identification. According to our guiding principle „Smart Solutions for your Success”, we offer our customers innovative product and project solutions for digitalization and automation in all industries. Headquartered in Passau, our team is characterized by quality standards and medium-sized structures.

Workplace extras

  •  Corporate events
  •  Dog friendly
  •  Free coffee, soft drinks

How to apply

We look forward to receiving your online application including your CV, stating your availability and salary expectations.


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