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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Training Coordinator (full time or part-time)

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Language Solutions Nyelvoktatási Szolgáltató Kft.

1054 Budapest, Bank utca 6.

Br. 545e – 585e Ft havi bér


We’re looking for someone with energy and enthusiasm to join our team. We need an individual with good people skills to build relationships with our clients and someone who enjoys working in a small team to complete projects.

Duties are:

  • manage training programs for our corporate clients for example: organise courses, create reports, correspond with participants and client contacts
  • work closely with our team of trainers and tutors
  • find solutions for varied training requests and manage their administration


  • higher education level is an advantage
  • advanced computer user skills
  • minimum of 3 years professional experience 
  • B2 English communication skills
  • comfort with fast-paced environment
  • availability for immediate start (Dec 2024)

What we offer

  • opportunity to work in an English-speaking environment
  • salary range 545,000 to 585,000 HUF per month for 40 hours per week (gross monthly salary)
  • possibility to work from home 2 days out of 5 (after probation period)
  • full time or part-time options 40/30 hour week

Our offices are located in Budapest, 5th district.

Company info

Language Solutions is a provider of training to the corporate sector. We specialize in language training courses delivered by our team of mother-tongue tutors, communication skills training and financial training courses. Language Solutions Hungary have been in operation for over 15 years.

How to apply

Please note that we will only contact successful candidates who pass to the second round. Thanks for your understanding.


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