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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Visa Assistant

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Amerikai Egyesült Államok Nagykövetsége

1054 Budapest

Br. 7,3M Ft éves bér


Case Management                                               

  • Manages the process of scheduling interviewing, printing, and visa delivery for applicants, including rare and complex visas classes.
  • Performs screenings of applicant documents for certain visa classes and preparing clear and concise summaries of document contents.
  • Files, tracks, and ensures the delivery of time-sensitive boarding foils and re-entry permits.
  • Ensures applicants are scheduled for the appropriate day and time and entering preliminary data into schedule for efficient processing.
  • Groups cases based on family relationship and/or travel purposes electronically in the system.
  • Enters the proper nationality and notifies the applicant of the relevant reciprocity fees, if applicable.
  • Notifies the adjudicating officer regarding special processing steps and of reciprocity fees, if any.
  • Captures photos as needed of visa applicants for visa foils.
  • Ensures applications and other required documents are submitted and completed correctly, and verifying electronic photo is acceptable.
  • Ensures birth certificates, marriage certificates, affidavits of support, and other required documents are included in case files.


  • Provides specific and complex visa information to visa applicants, U.S. citizen petitioners, and legal representatives by responding to visa inquiries received in person and electronically, while abiding visa confidentiality laws.
  • Communicates clearly and courteously with all visa applicants.
  • Maintains all public consular information on the Embassy website, telephone recordings, bulletin boards and informational notices.
  • Contacts applicants directly to request additional information as needed to facilitate officer adjudication.
  • Assists with creation of outreach materials. Provides the public with salient visa information in formal and informal settings.
  • Assists with interpretation, as needed.


  • Manages and safeguards personally identifiable information of U.S. citizens and visa applicants on a daily basis.
  • Shares responsibility with other visa assistants and supervisors when dealing with visa foils.
  • Maintains and secures physical and electronic subject matter files and/or chronological files in accordance with Department regulations.
  • Separates cases that have terminated, are pending additional documentation, need corrections, and/or are otherwise open in the system.
  • Updates and maintains Visa Unit documents and forms.
  • Destroys documents and case files at specified intervals.


Education Requirements:

  • Completion of High School is required.


  • Minimum two years’ experience involving the application of regulations and law, extensive public contact, customer service, or problem-solving experience is required.


  • English – Fluent; speaking/reading/writing, may include the ability to translate.
  • Hungarian – Fluent; speaking/reading/writing, may include the ability to translate.

What we offer

The U.S. Mission offers a competitive compensation and benefits package for local employees.

  • Pro-rated 13th month salary
  • Performance related Awards
  • Performance related Increases
  • Local and US paid holidays
  • Free access to the on-site Gym
  • Transportation and Meal Contribution
  • Annual and sick Leave
  • Training opportunities
  • English language classes

Workplace extras

  •  Sports facilities


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