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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

IT Manager / Head of IT (Head of Group for the Heidenheim site)

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Edelmann Hungary Packaging Zrt.

Heidenheim, Germany

Br. 3 500 Euro havi bér


  • Provision and operation of IT services and products for all Edelmann Group companies 
  • Edelmann Group companies with a strong focus on SAP as the central system. 
  • Shaping the IT strategy of the Edelmann Group 
  • Responsibility for ensuring IT security and operational availability 
  • Active management of the Edelmann IT project portfolio 
  • Development and implementation of the IT strategy in line with the  
  • corporate goals 
  • Management and coordination of the SAP team, in particular the relevant SAP projects 
  • Collaboration with various business units to identify and implement  
  • implementation of SAP solutions that optimise business processes 
  • Advising management and business units on the development of IT roadmaps and optimising business processes through IT solutions 
  • Identifying IT trends and ensuring innovative strength  
  • Ensuring optimal value creation, as well as evaluating and managing external  
  • IT service providers and suppliers 
  • Planning and optimising IT budgets and resource planning 


  • Completed university degree in computer science, business administration,  
  • business informatics or a comparable specialisation 
  • >10 years of relevant professional experience and >5 years of team management experience 
  • Willingness to travel internationally 
  • Very good written and spoken German and English skills 
  • Understanding of the core processes and workflows of an international industrial company. 
  • Understanding of business applications and their professional management (ALM) in an  
  • an industrial company 
  • Understanding of IT operations, IT security and IT process standards (ITIL), 

How to apply

After clicking the „apply” button, please attach your English language CV with a photograph of you.


Szeretnél bejutni az állásinterjúra?

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Felmondás minta

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