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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Senior Finance Officer

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Naponta frissülő hírfolyam kizárólag olyan állásokkal, ahol a hirdető megadta a bérsávot.

Magyarországi Terre des hommes Alapítvány Lausanne

1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó utca 59.

Br.1,0M Ft havibér


The Senior Finance Officer is responsible for the execution of financial and accounting tasks in order to meet legislative requirements and support operations at the delegation. A professional sense of security, confidentiality, and proper representation is paramount to the job profile.

  • Supervises the finance team in maintaining accounting records on daily basis; ensures recording of entries;
  • Send the monthly closure to HQ;
  • Close collaboration with HQ by providing all required reports;
  • Ensures that all expenditures comply with donors’ guidelines and Tdh’s internal financial procedures;
  • Suggests improvements to improve the quality and the compliance of the accounting documentation;
  • Provides support on budget follow-up and draft reports, budget proposals;
  • Coordinates with the Head of Support Services in monitoring and use of the office budgets;
  • Receives controlling partners’ financial reports and controls the proper use of the funds in conformance to all Tdh and donor financial procedures;
  • Ensures recording of partners’ financial transactions (cash, bank and corrective transactions in SAGA database) and allocations of costs to different donors’ contracts;
  • Ensures preparation of staff cost calculation sheet and reconciliations of supporting documentations related to staff costs;
  • Coordination of audits;
  • Collaborates on statutory reporting tasks including communication with external advisors such as local accounting function, payroll, VAT and legal advisors;
  • Verifies and assists in the preparation of collaboration agreements;
  • Ensures the correct financial management of any contracts, projects or activities planned with HQ, donors and partners;
  • Ensure financial training to partners when necessary;
  • Ensures the correct flow of information and mechanisms of coordination within the support team and with operations;
  • Ensures the compliance of the delegation’s own regulations and financial and administrative processes, develop and update internal procedures;



University degree in finance/economics/accounting

  • Minimum of 3 year of previous experience in accounting and finances, ideally in non-governmental organization setup;
  • Knowledge of generally accepted accounting, budgeting, budget monitoring and general ledger skills;
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office Suite, particularly Excel and experience working with an automated accounting and finance software;
  • Native Hungarian and excellent English knowledge.


  • Recognised accounting qualification is an asset;
  • Successful track record  of work with donors (Europe Aid, SDC, DFID; UN; etc.) as an asset;
  • SAGA software knowledge is an asset.

What we offer

  • Full-time, fixed term employment contract for 1 year with the possibility of extension
  • Monthly gross salary 1 015 453 HUF
  • 11.000 HUF meal allowance (Szép Kártya)
  • Private medical insurance
  • Hybrid working option
  • Laptop, mobile phone for professional use
  • Multicultural working environment

Company info

Terre des hommes Foundation in Hungary which was established in 2006, currently with 40 employees, provides support and advice to the other Tdh offices in Europe and plays a central role in leading the organisation’s regional projects, implemented in collaboration with a wide range of partners. In addition, from April 2022, we have also implemented an emergency response to help Ukrainian refugee children and families in Hungary.
In Europe, our collective efforts focus on two key programmatic areas: ensuring respect for the rights of children and youth on the move and contributing to a safe, restorative, and inclusive access to justice for children and youth. Integral to all our activities is the pivotal role of child protection expertise.

How to apply

Please click on the APPLY button and upload your CV and motivation letter in English


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